It’s simple to learn how to dry lavender, and the process will leave your home smelling wonderful. A great way to store your harvest is by drying the lavender.
Don’t just grow lavender because it looks lovely and smells good in the landscape. To make dried lavender bunches or dried lavender buds for potpourri or sachets, you can harvest the lovely purple flowers.
And fortunately, drying lavender is not difficult. To learn more, continue reading!
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How to Harvest Lavender Flowers?
Depending on what you plan to do with your dried lavender, the drying process varies after the harvest. Clip lavender flowering stems when blooms are open at the base of the spike or when about three-quarters of the flowers on each stem are open if you intend to make dried lavender bunches.
You’ll have a stronger stem and fuller flower heads if you wait to cut the lavender at this point. Lavender flowers are currently at their most colorful and fragrant. Lavender flowers lose their color when exposed to the sun, so try to cut them as soon as possible. Lavender blossoms will be more prone to breaking after drying if you wait to cut them until all of the buds are fully open.
After the morning dew has dried, cut lavender flowers. On days when it rains, avoid cutting stems. When flowers are already dry, they dry more effectively and with less risk of mold or mildew. especially if you’re going to make a lavender wreath, cut stems on the long side. After the stems have dried, you can always cut them.
When to Cut Lavender for Drying?
You can always cut some lavender leaves if you want to dry them. While timing is not important for leaves, it is important for flowers.
When you cut the flowers before the buds open, they are the most fragrant and colorful. Therefore, the best time to cut the flowers for drying is just before the buds open and when they are a vibrant purple color.
The flowers can still be dried after they open, but the fragrance and color may diminish.
Read More: How Long Does Lavender Take to Grow?
Drying Your Lavender Flowers
Lavender stems should be bundled together so that the flower heads are aligned. Use two rubber bands per bunch of dried lavender, one at the base of the stems and one beneath the flower heads. Bundles should be hung upside down and in a warm, dark area to dry. Place a sheet beneath the bundles of drying lavender to catch any falling buds or blooms and shield it from the sun to maintain the best color. Depending on the humidity, you should have dried lavender bunches in seven to ten days.

Lavender can also be dried by placing the loose stems in a basket or on a screen. If at all possible, keep them in a single layer. In dry climates, gardeners may spread loose lavender stems on a tablecloth or sheet on a deck or driveway, covering the blooms with another sheet to keep out debris. Depending on the relative humidity, it can take this method anywhere from a week to 10 days to produce dried lavender.
How Long Does It Take to Dry Lavender?
Depending on the method you use, drying times for lavender can vary. Additionally, it depends on what portion of the plant you are drying. More quickly than sprigs and leaves, small flowers and buds typically dry out.
The two slowest techniques are hanging bunches and using a drying rack. Your lavender may need a few days or longer to dry completely.
Use a dehydrator, an oven, or a microwave to hasten the drying process for lavender. These techniques enable drying in a brief amount of time.
How to Store Dried Lavender?
Prior to storing your lavender, make sure it is completely dry. When the flowers and leaves are brittle and easily fall off the stem when disturbed, it is dry.
Running your fingers along the stem gently will help you separate the dried buds from the stems. Otherwise, you can simply store the whole, fresh dried stems.
For aesthetic purposes in my pantry, I prefer to keep mine in a clear mason jar. But you can keep it in any container you like, including a paper bag, a spice jar, or decorative canisters.
Whatever container you decide to use, make sure to keep it somewhere cool, dry, and dark.
How Long Does Dried Lavender Last?
Dried lavender never goes bad and can be stored for many years. However, the odor will eventually go away.
So, I suggest drying it every year and getting rid of your old stock in order to have the freshest, most fragrant supply. If not, you might try reviving the scent by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil.
Lavender can be quickly and easily dried. Try out various methods of drying it to find the one that works best for you. Soon enough, dried lavender will always be available for your use.
Uses for Dried Lavender
Like many other dried herbs and flowers, the best and most common use of dried lavender is for display. A bunch of lavender can be gathered, tied with raffia or ribbon, and then placed in a vase or on a shelf.
In addition, you can save the lavender buds to make potpourri or lavender sachets. Put them in your bathtub with a lavender bath bomb or some bath salts if you want to spend a relaxing evening at home. The sprigs also add a wonderful fragrance to a gloomy winter day if you’re fortunate enough to have a fireplace.
Despite how long it lasts, dried lavender eventually loses its scent. Dry lavender about once a year if you want to keep fragrant blossoms around, or revitalize with lavender essential oil.
Related Post: What to Do With Dried Lavender?
Final Words on Drying Lavender
Lavender has countless domestic uses, including in foods, as a decorative accent, and for essential oils. However, drying lavender is one of the simplest applications. Both its appearance and aroma are lovely. The calming effects of dried lavender help to create a cozy atmosphere in a space.
Use half as many dried lavender buds or blooms in recipes that call for fresh lavender.
Related Reading:
Can You Dry Lavender After It Blooms?
Therefore, when the buds are vivid purple and just before they open, is the best time to cut the flowers for drying. The flowers can still be dried after they open, but the fragrance and color may be diminished.
Why Do You Dry Lavender Upside Down?
The darkness helps the lavender retain its color, and drying lavender upside-down helps lavender retain its blossom shape.