We’ll discuss how to keep succulents alive in this article. Finding out what your plant needs to survive as long as possible is the aim. No more plants need to die, please!
How long do succulents live? The environment and care that a succulent receives affect its lifespan on average, so how you take care of your plants will greatly affect how long they live.
A Jade plant can live between 70 and 100 years, a Hens and Chicks succulent can live from three years and up, and a barrel cactus can live for hundreds of years!
Continue reading to find out more about succulents if you’re interested in growing them.
Table of Contents
What is a Succulent?
Succulents are typically short, compact plants that we keep indoors as tabletop decorations the majority of the time. However, in reality, the term “succulent” is a classification of any thick and fleshy plant that can store water through its roots, leaves, and stems.
The little tabletop plants we place on coffee tables and the adorable cacti plants in the garden are the two types of succulents we see most frequently. In relation to cacti, all cactus plants are succulents, but not all succulents are cactus. Cactus plants, in general, are classified as succulents because of their capacity to store water in all parts of their bodies, from roots to leaves to stems.
Related Reading: What Is A Succulent?
Do Succulents Have Any Specific Life Span?
Compared to other plants, succulents are known for growing slowly. What kind of succulent they greatly affect how quickly they grow. This is another element that influences their long lifespan.
Succulents experience periods of dormancy during which their growth is typically slower than usual. Typically, this occurs during the winter, when the environmental conditions are not favorable for their growth.
However, they get to have fresh leaves and flowers during the active phase. You should treat them properly during this time of year as well.
The average lifespan of succulents is difficult to determine due to their wide variety. There are also many other things to take into account.
Succulents are typically expected to live for many years, if not centuries, when grown in their natural environment. Those who don’t occasionally send offsets, giving you a fresh batch to plant.
In addition, how you treat them and the environment in which they live will have a significant impact on how long they live. They will undoubtedly live longer than you expect if you can create the ideal conditions for growth, whether they are grown indoors or outdoors.
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Most Common Succulents and Their Average Lifespan
Let’s look at the most popular succulents you can grow at home right now. I’ll also mention the ideal environmental factors that these succulents require to thrive.
1. Jade Plant
The jade plant, also known as the money plant, is very low maintenance and has a very long lifespan. Even though some people think the plant is outdated, it’s still among the most common succulents, even though it was more well-liked in the past than it is now. The plant is believed to bring good luck.
These succulents are extremely long-lived. Their average lifespan is at 70 to 100 years. So, if you grow this plant while you’re young, you can expect it to do the same. Even some claim that these succulents can live longer than humans.
The proper care must be given to them if you want them to live this long.
These plants would adore being placed in a location with four or more hours of direct sunlight. In order to keep the soil moist—not wet—they should also receive frequent watering.
Temperatures should be around 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the soil must be well-drained.
The warm, tropical climate is best for jade plant growth. Indoors will be the best environment for them if it’s winter.
Simply use artificial lighting to provide illumination, and adjust the climate where they would grow. Additionally, avoid giving them too much water.

2. Hens and Chicks
A succulent plant called “Hens and Chicks” is indigenous to Southern Europe and Northern Africa. It is a small plant, which is probably why people refer to it as the cutest succulent.
The plant’s actual structure served as the inspiration for the name Hens and Chicks. The larger base serves as the mother plant, and the smaller bases are her chicks.
The average lifespan of Hens and Chicks is at 3+ years. Furthermore, providing them with excellent care is crucial if you want them to live longer than three years.
It’s even ideal for people who live in temperate climates, making it one of the easiest succulents to care for. They may also be the only succulent plant capable of withstanding both frost and snow.
You don’t have enough soil to plant them. Hens and chicks can grow in rock gardens, so it’s all right. However, if you prefer, they can also flourish in flowerbeds. They might require direct sunlight, but they can tolerate being placed in the shade.
As long as you don’t give them too much water, they are not picky about their surroundings. Soil that drains quickly is crucial.
4. Aloe Vera
Due to its numerous advantages, the aloe vera plant is one of the most cherished succulents. The thick leaves are covered in a gel that is renowned for its wide range of therapeutic advantages.
Within three to four years, aloe vera matures. And if given the right care, it will live up to 12 years, reaching about 60 to 100cm tall around this time. Although the plant comes in many different varieties, the care they require and their lifespan are essentially the same.
Although these plants enjoy the sun, it is best to avoid exposing them to it for extended periods of time because they could burn. Although it thrives at room temperature, it can endure colder temperatures. Additionally, avoid overwatering them.
Before rehydrating them, let the soil dry out first. And just like other succulents, aloe vera thrives best in well-drained soil.
5. Barrel Cactus
One of the succulents with a very long lifespan is probably the barrel cactus. These succulents can live for 50 years the least and can extend to centuries if in their ideal living conditions.
Their name comes from the fact that they resemble barrels and that their spines can come in a variety of colors.
These succulents, which are accustomed to living in deserts, would benefit from being placed in a bright, sunny area. Although it might burn, avoid placing in direct sunlight. Additionally, in well-drained soil, they will flourish, just like any other succulent.
Keep your use of water to a minimum. Watering should be done once a week in the summer and less frequently in the winter. If at all possible, avoid watering again until the soil is completely dry.
6. Living Stones
A succulent that is native to South Africa is called Living Stones or Lithops. One of the strangest succulents, they may initially appear to be pebbles, hence their name. However, it is this outward appearance that safeguards them in their natural habitat.
This plant can live up to 50 years, especially with the right care. And because they require very little maintenance, you wouldn’t have to worry about this.
Low humidity is ideal for living stones’ growth, and they require only very infrequent watering. Some claim that all you need to do is place them in an area with strong sunlight; otherwise, they don’t require any special care. Additionally, but only for 4-5 hours, you can expose them to direct sunlight.
The best soil you can give them is one that drains well. This prevents water from being able to collect and making the plant die earlier than it should.
7. Christmas Cactus
A popular succulent in Brazil is the Christmas Cactus. Red, pink, white, or other flowers are produced that look fantastic in homes. It has an average lifespan of 20 or more years, as long as cared for really well.
These succulents’ difficulty in maintenance is the only drawback. They never need too much water; just enough.
It is time to water them again once the soil feels dry on top. Use only well-drained soil and grow them in a pot with drainage holes.
To encourage their growth, apply some fertilizer. And to help humidify the dry winter air, put a small bowl of water on the table.
Regarding the sunlight, they would adore being placed somewhere bright, but never place it directly under the sun to prevent burning its leaves.
8. Crown of Thorns
A succulent plant with thorn-covered stems is called a “Crown of Thorns,” also known as an “Euphorbia.” Depending on the type, it produces large flowers in a range of hues. This plant can live up to 25 years, and they’re easy to grow indoors.
They must get at least three to four hours of direct sunlight daily and enjoy being placed near a window that is sunny.
They can even endure the winter and summer seasons while thriving in room temperature.
These plants should only be watered in the spring and late fall when the soil is at least an inch from the surface dry. Wait until the soil is at least two to three inches from the surface before planting in the winter.
Use a pot with drainage holes and well-drained soil to prevent water from pooling on the pot.
9. Echeveria
The succulent plant Echeveria is renowned for its stunning display of evergreen foliage. They are also among the most well-liked varieties of succulents used in floral arrangements and terrariums. They are lovely additions to homes and come in a variety of colors.
These succulents can live for three years to several decades, and you must provide them the right care and growing conditions. Even novice gardeners can easily care for echeveria.
Echeverias require a lot of light to thrive. For at least four to five hours, it must be exposed to direct sunlight.
To prevent burning the leaves, don’t leave it there for an extended period of time. The soil should have good drainage and shouldn’t be overwatered.
This plant is a great option if you reside in a warm climate. They prosper in hot, dry environments. Both extremes of humidity and cold are intolerable to them, and they cannot survive either.
Read More: 20 Popular Succulents Types
How to Keep Succulents Alive?
The easiest plants you can care for at home are probably succulents. They can last for extended periods in harsh environments with little water.
In spite of this, some people still find it difficult to care for these plants due to their peculiar growth requirements.
However, you can relax because maintaining the health and viability of these plants only requires that you keep in mind a small number of things. Here are five ways to do it:
1. Provide Room to Breathe
Although succulents grouped together in a single container look lovely, this is not the environment you want to place them in.
The ability to breathe is essential for succulents. The main justification for why succulent plants require a root zone is given below.
Succulents have thick leaves, stems, and roots because this is where they store water, as was mentioned in the earlier section of this article. Some succulents have incredibly quick root growth and can quickly fill a 6-inch pot.
You deprive the plant of the opportunity to grow larger by not providing enough root zone. Then the interior moisture will gradually evaporate, the stems will become more resilient, the leaves will age and wrinkle, and the root cells will slowly decompose.
To put it another way, the succulent will begin to rot and eventually perish.
2. Don’t Expose Them on Too Much Sunlight
In spite of the fact that they can withstand harsh conditions, succulents shouldn’t be exposed to the sun’s hottest rays.
Not all succulents can thrive in these conditions, but some can. So it’s best to do your research and make sure the kind of succulent you have can survive in direct sunlight.
If not, be sure to offer some shade to shield them from the sun, especially if the temperature rises above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The most vulnerable succulents to sunburns are those with the most green and variegated coloring.
With these succulents, you can put them near a window that receives both direct sunlight and sufficient shade.
The only plants that can withstand the sweltering sun’s heat are those that are red, gray, blue, or succulents with many spines. These succulent varieties are your best options if you live in a warm climate with infrequent rain.
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3. Provide Them With a Well-Drainage System
Due to their drought tolerance, succulents can rot and die if they are left in a moist environment. This is why having a well-drainage system is crucial.
You should start by choosing the right kind of soil. Wet soil can overmoisten the plant, causing it to rot and die.
You’d need to mix your own soil if you wanted the best soil for your succulent plant. The combination of one third organic matter and two thirds mineral materials is highly advised.
Compost, coconut coir, pine bark, and potting soil are a few examples of organic soil. You may use gravel, volcanic rock, perlite, coarse sand, or sand to add minerals.
Diatomaceous earth, chicken grit, decomposed granite, and non-soluble cat litter are additional minerals you can purchase for your soil mix.
Once you get the right soil, it’s time to choose the right pot. It should ideally be a pot with bottom drain holes. This will prevent the water from pooling in the pot and soaking the soil.
4. Give Them Little Water
Succulents still require water, despite their ability to withstand drought. They still need water, but only in very small amounts. You must be careful not to overwater them because doing so will only make the plant rot.
Fill your pot with water until the bottom starts to drain. Only if the top inch of the soil feels dry do you need to water it again. Depending on this, you might only need to water your succulents once or twice a week.
It’s important to avoid watering your plants in the winter or if you live in a colder climate.
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5. Feed Them
Environments with insufficient nutrient supply are not fatal to succulents. That does not imply, however, that they are not at all in need of fertilizer.
Your succulent requires a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which fertilizers contain.
Don’t feed them too much, though, just as you wouldn’t in water. To prevent burning your plant, you could even just feed the soil at least once a year.
The beginning of the plant’s growing season is also the ideal time to feed the soil with a well-balanced fertilizer.
Do Succulents Die Easily?
Because succulents rely on their capacity to store water for survival, they rarely succumb to disease. However, external elements like the standard of care, the accessibility of supplies for immediate needs, and genetics all have a significant impact on how long succulents live.
Succulents can live in the wild and thrive in their environment. That is to say, unlike, for instance, cactus plants, succulents do not naturally grow in environments that do not suit their genetic design. Cactus plants are designed to grow and bloom in dry, sparsely rain-drenched deserts. This is so that they can thrive in their natural environment, which is a dry place with the right kinds of soil.
Do Succulents Die of Old Age?
Succulents experience aging just like any other living thing does. However, no one will be able to tell if they live past the maximum lifespan of a hundred years for their species. however, the life expectancy of some species is only a few years to a few decades.
After a while, the succulents begin to deteriorate as they age. After they have adjusted to changes over the years, this phenomenon takes place.
We also get the impression that succulents have always been there because of their slow growth. We might also think of them as immortals for this reason. Succulents can still hold on to the tiniest bit of life from their system and use it to spring new life, despite how difficult their circumstances become. This may occur if we pay close attention to our plants’ needs so that we can identify any diseases or other issues before they cause them to die.
But because they are in their natural settings, succulents like cactus plants live longer in the wild. Nature is free to help the cactus plants live longer since there is no human interference. When we domesticate these naturally wild plants and bring them inside or under our care, things change.
In order to make wild cactus plants more useful indoors and more attractive for home decoration, we began to alter them over time. The lifespan and needs of plants changed as a result.
What Does a Dying Succulent Look Like?
There are a few signs that can let you know if your succulents are dying. The succulent’s leaves and stems are where these would typically be found. However, sometimes the roots can also show signs of plant distress. Here are a few signs of a dying succulent.
- A succulent that has been overwatered has brown, mushy leaves. Its leaves become mushy and brown due to an excess of water because they can no longer hold the additional moisture. On the succulent leaves, this sign frequently coexists with small mold growths.
- Yellowing leaves and stems on your succulents are a sign of bacterial and fungal growth. To some species, particularly hardy ones, it might also be a sign of overwatering.
- Your succulents’ edges should be crisp, brown, and not burnt or fried.
- Brown, mushy roots are a sign of root rot.
These warning signs are only a small sample of the many that show your succulents are in trouble and about to die. Mayday! Mayday! Examine the color to more easily pinpoint the underlying cause as soon as you notice the first indications of discoloration. You’ll be able to take the necessary action to protect your succulents from further harm in this way.
How Long Do Succulents Live Outside?
Succulents may not benefit from being outside if the weather is too hot, just like when you bring them outside to get some sun. The colder months are when this happens; during those times, temperatures may drop significantly. In order to know which plants to bring inside when it gets too cold outside, it is essential to know what temperatures your plants can withstand.
Which Succulents Can Survive in Very Little Light?
Ideally, your plant should receive sunlight on a consistent basis. If you still bring the plants outside into the sun, some plants can still thrive in low-light conditions. Low sunlight conditions are fine for plants like the aloe vera, snake plant, and jade plant.
Which Succulents Can Survive Without Direct Sunlight?
Even though some succulents require very little light to survive, others still require direct sunlight. Haworthia, Kalanchoe tomintosa, and Gasteria are the specific names of these plants.
Plants that require little maintenance are succulents. And the best thing about these plants is that they have a very long lifespan—they can live for centuries.
That’s incredible, but of course you would need to make a small amount of effort as well for them to flourish.
They work best for people who want a cleaner home environment but don’t have a lot of free time to spend caring for and watering plants.
Additionally, they are very useful to have, especially for frequent travelers. Look at the examples of succulents up top to determine which might work best in your house.