Succulents are an easy plant to care for. They can survive in dry, hot climates and require very little water. Do you know how big do succulents get? The average height of most succulents is between 6 inches and 2 feet, but some varieties, like elephant shrubs or jade plants, can reach 8 feet tall!
With a little information, you should be able to estimate exactly how big your meat will be when it’s ripe.
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How Quickly Do Succulents Grow?
Different species grow at varying rates. But almost all of the succulents grow much slower than a typical plant you know from a garden or even from a forest. Truthfully, I’d say no. of inches a succulent should grow in a year does not exist.
The size of the succulent varies with the season. The growth slows down in the so called “dormant period”, which is winter with most succulents, but some plants are actually dormant in the summer. Even the “summer” growing succulents though sometimes cannot endure the scorching sun at the heat of the day. They might go dormant if you keep them there.
How Big Do Succulents Get?
Succulents Indoors

Succulents are great for beginners because the size of succulents indoors is easy to control!
All you need is a sunny location and enough water if you want the meat to be big.
If the succulent leaves turn red or yellow, the plant is not getting enough sunlight, so move it to a brighter light!
During the summer months, move the succulent container outside for extra sunlight if needed.
If you want to keep your indoor succulent small, all you need is a good indoor location with indirect sunlight.
If your succulents are too tall for their container, cut the top of the stem at an angle to make it shorter!
Succulents Outdoors

Succulents are the perfect plants to make your garden stand out.
When you’re trying to build a succulent garden, one of the things you might think about is, how big are they outdoors?
This can affect what type of plants you choose and where you place them to maximize their size.
The growth rate of succulents depends on several factors, including exposure to sunlight.
Cacti are best grown outdoors because they can withstand hot sun and cold nights in most climates around the world.
They are also adaptable to drought conditions, making them perfect for drought-resistant gardens.
If you give cacti enough sunlight and plenty of water, they will grow relatively quickly over time. They can grow to about six feet wide if left out of a pot.
Succulents grow in a variety of conditions, from dry to moist.
If you want your succulents to grow great outdoors, they need at least six hours of sunlight a day and regular watering when the soil dries out.
Potted Succulents

The size of your succulent pot will depend on the type of plants you have.
Most breeds will remain the same size, but some breeds can grow much larger than others. These are generally not recommended for indoor pots as they quickly outgrow the space!
The best pot size for succulents is one that allows them to grow, but not grow out. In general, the height of the pot should be only twice the height of the plant.
Most types of succulents will remain the same size throughout the year as long as they are maintained under ideal growing conditions.
If you prefer shorter, bushier plants, succulents can be reduced by a third or even half of their original height.
Succulents are very low-maintenance plants that can survive indoors for years without transplants or special care!
Succulents that Grow Tall
Echeveria grows rather rapidly during its growth phase which falls in the Spring and Summer months. Echeveria tends to overgrow, and it quickly puts out new leaves in the center of the plant when its surrounding conditions are optimal. A two-inch plant can easily grow to about 8 inches in under a year.
Carancho is one of the fastest-growing succulents, with excessive new growth that is sometimes considered aggressive. Some Kalanchoe species also grow very large and fast!
Graptoveria is a hybrid between Graptopetalum and Echeveria, and its growth characteristics are similar to its ancestor Echeveria. A 2-inch plant can easily grow to around 7 inches in less than a year.
A cross hybrid between the Graptopetalum and Sedum, the Graptosedum is made up of varieties that sprawl like the Sedum, and varieties that grow wide like the Graptopetalum. The Graptosedum does not grow wide very fast, going from 2 inches to only 4 inches in under a year. However, those that sprawl can go from only 2 inches to covering 7-9 inches in about a year.
Succulents that Stay Small
Hawthorn grows very slowly. Because of this, hawthorn trees are still small and compact, making them perfect for tabletop plants. It grows on average about 2 inches per year, sometimes less.
The Gasteria is another slow grower that remains relatively small compared to its relative, the Aloe. Like Haworthia, it is a perfect choice for a tabletop plant because of its size and low-light requirements. Also, like the Haworthia, it grows, on average, about 2 inches a year or less.
Factors That Affect How Big Succulents Get
Several factors affect how big succulents get.
The environment they grow in is the most important factor, but there are other things to consider.

Pot size
Succulents in small pots tend to be more sensitive. If they are overwatered, it can cause root rot and kill them very quickly.
On the other hand, succulents that grow too large for their containers may stop growing due to a lack of space that restricts their root systems.
It is important not to move an already mature plant into a small container unless you want to completely change its growth pattern or stop it completely.
If possible, start with a larger pot when starting a new variety to avoid any problems later.
Succulent lovers should consider handcrafted concrete pots, which are suitable for all sizes and types of succulents and can be made to fit in almost any space.
Succulents are easy to care for because they don’t need sub-freezing temperatures, but how much you can tolerate fluctuations in temperature between day and night depends on the species of the succulent itself and how big it grows over time.
The larger the succulent, the more likely it is to survive the cool nighttime lows without any problems.
Smaller varieties may not do well on cold nights, especially if there are no overhead lights or other heat sources nearby.
If your home tends to get cold at night during the winter months, consider adding another grow light where your plants live to provide some extra warmth.
Watering schedule
Succulents don’t need much water, but how often they need it depends on how dry or wet their environment is and where they are in the home (ie, sunny windows vs shady patios).
A good rule of thumb for watering is to water every two weeks, some varieties require more frequent watering depending on how hot and dry the indoor air is due to the heating/cooling system at different times of the year.
If your plants are still damp after a few weeks and don’t need watering, you may only need to wait another week before giving them a drink, as this means that even if the plants themselves are dry, the amount of water in your potting mix will A lot of moisture may remain.
Related Reading: How Much Water Do Succulents Need?
Succulents like cacti need well-draining soil, but the speed at which they do depends on the potting medium you use.
Cactus mixes are often recommended for desert succulents. It has a rough texture that allows water to sit underneath without standing for too long while remaining relatively dry for overall drainage between watering cycles.
If your plants need more moisture, then you may want to choose another option or place them in a different container if possible.
It’s not good for succulents to stay in water for too long because if they don’t have enough drainage holes, it can cause them to rot up from the roots.
Sunny, south-facing windows are best for most succulents, but some plants can adapt to lower light conditions.
While succulents need sunlight, they also need protection from overheating and sun exposure, which can cause them to die if exposed to direct (or even indirect) sunlight for extended periods of time each day.
If you’re growing succulents indoors, it’s important to rotate your plants regularly so that all plants receive light equally.
Related Reading: How Much Light Do Succulents Need?
Fertilization is not necessary for most succulents because they are so adaptable that their roots get all the nutrients they need for growth provided by rainfall.
However, certain varieties may need it if they don’t get enough water during droughts, leading to malnutrition over time, resulting in decreased health and slower growth.
Another option is to plant them closer together or cover part of the soil with other plants like moss, which can absorb extra nitrogen from the air around us as a natural source of additional nutrients.
Succulents don’t need much potting space, and how often you should replant depends on how fast they grow out of each container.
If your plants are looking cramped in their current pots, it’s time to get them a bigger one, even if they don’t seem too rooted.
Remember that succulents are slow-growing plants, so the time required varies from plant to plant.
You don’t want to wait until the roots start sticking out of the drainage holes to replant. However, you should definitely not wait any longer to move the succulents to a larger pot if their roots are growing from the bottom.
How Long Does It Take Succulents To Get Big?
It’s hard to say exactly how long it takes for succulents to grow, as each plant has different care needs.
However, most succulents grow very slowly and can take years to fully grow.
When you’re caring for plants, it’s helpful to know how big your succulents are.
If your plant seems small, give it a little time before judging whether it will grow more.
Will Succulents Grow Bigger In Bigger Pots?
In a larger pot, succulents do not grow larger, but they do take longer to fill their available space.
In comparison to plants kept in smaller pots, plants that remain the same size may develop roots that spread into a larger container.
It’s best to repot your succulents every one to two years.
It’s important to realize that size isn’t always better with succulents. In an excessively large environment, repotting into a larger pot can cause the roots to quickly become root-bound.
Your succulent plant’s ideal size will depend on the variety you have and how it grows.
How Big Do Mini Succulents Get?
It may never leave the stage of being a miniature because it rarely grows taller than six inches!
Do Succulents Grow Fast?
Succulents are attractive and colorful, don’t need much maintenance, and can survive in almost any environment. However, these are mostly slow-growing plants. Even among those who grow quickly, reaching maturity can take months.
Do Succulents Grow Back?
Once a succulent stem gets bare the leaves won’t grow back on it. You need to cut it back and propagate by stem cuttings or have it rejuvenate from the base (the piece of stem & roots still in the soil).
Do Succulents Grow Flowers?
Most succulents bloom in spring and summer, but others (like aloes and crassulas) flower in midwinter.
Do Succulents Grow Flowers?
Most succulents bloom in spring and summer, but others (like aloes and crassulas) flower in midwinter.
How Long Do Succulents Live?
There are various types of succulents, and they have varying life spans. For example, a Hens and Chicks succulent can live from 3, and above years, a Jade plant can live from 70 to 100 years, while a Barrel Cactus can live for centuries.
How Do You Know If Your Succulents Are Healthy?
Signs of healthy succulents include vibrant colors, firm leaves, and slow growth. Succulents are not intended to grow quickly. Therefore, despite the fact that this may appear to be a bad sign, it actually is one. Aside from that, it’s possible that you’ll occasionally discover dried leaves at the base of your succulent, but this is also a positive sign.
What Size Pots Are Appropriate For Succulents?
It may be challenging to choose the right pot size for the healthy growth of your succulents. However, many expert gardeners advise using a container that is 10% larger in diameter than the width of your succulent. For instance, if your chubby green has a 4-inch width, a 4.5-inch diameter pot will work best for it.
Do Small Succulents Get Bigger?
Yes. Mini succulents grow, but they are not fast growers in the beginning. Do anticipate their growth to accelerate once they reach a certain size until they eventually outgrow their containers.
How Long Can A Succulent Survive Without Water?
They can go up to 1-3 months of no watering. Succulents grown indoors won’t be subjected to as much outdoor weather because the soil dries out more quickly outside due to the wind and sunlight than it does inside. In cooler climates, generally fall and winter, the soil stays moist for longer periods of time.
Final Thoughts
Succulents can range in size from an inch tall to over ten feet tall, depending on the type, so there are many varieties to choose from!
They come in a wide variety, are easy to grow, and keep their size.
Succulents are the perfect choice if you want to add a delicious addition to your home decor!
Read More: How To Plant Succulents?